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gone are the days of summer.
Sunday, November 02, 2008 @ 9:28 PM
LiL TeddiE
Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. - Grandma Moses

goshh, october just passed and here comes november. don't u think time passes fast? time does fly when u're having fun or good and bad times. looking back this year, things have really changed. well, every year changes, things changes, people change. at the beginning of the year, i thought i wasn't gonna like my class. cause it was a whole new class with people i nvr really knew. wl and j whom i've been in the same class with for 3 years were in different classes too. being in this class this year has been really different for me. i've met lotsa fun friends and my class is simply fun! we've been through thick and thin? lols. seriously did lotsa fun things man. skipping rope, plucking rambutans and jambus, celebrating various bdays in classes, playing cards, and lotsa uncounted memories. 1 week left of school. it's bye bye school and hello holidays. i'm gonna miss 4 adil. funnest and craziest class in my schooling years. well, i won't be there next year. so 5 adil won't be the same as 4 adil. and there's streaming too. but, 4 adil will always be 4 adil. always a 4 adilan, and always will be. oh btw, it's not an emo post. just felt like sharing my thoughts of this year. well, that's all for now. i'll blog again. =) byeee worldd!