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is this for reaaaal?
Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
LiL TeddiE

celebrated wai kit's bday, the 3rd bday of the month febraury. hmm, we came to school, then since it was tutorial, we didn't do much. we decorated the balloons we used for physics, hahaha. of boobs and pregnant people. then teacher william came in and after a while, we went to eat the nasi lemak teacher melinda bought for us. we felt bad after william told us teacher melinda wanted to eat with us.  =/ anyways, we celebrated  his bday during add maths with teacher.

the choc bday cake.

looks nicerrr with candles lighted up.

haha, wai kit looks cute here.

happy bday to youuu...

looks like he blew reaaaal hard. xD

Wai Kit, Happy Birthday!

the pile of balloons we decorated.

Ii ern's light bulb ballooon!

well, dat's about it. hope wai kit had a great day. he's super diff compared to last year. a nice, crazy, funny fella he is. i'm off, tataa!