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new year's eve, you're here already. so fast?
Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 12:02 AM
LiL TeddiE
the clock srikes 12 as it is new year's eve! what would you do on ur last day of 2009? well, i wouldn't do much? hahaha. haven't really thought of that, but i though of that question, weird. anyways, it's time i make my new year's resolution. since i've never really made one besides having them in my head. i bought a diary, that's why! not just and ordinary diary, a SMIGGLE diary! LOL. okay, a bit the obsessed with smiggle. xD anyways, i shall not reveal my new year's resoultion here, it is personal. i tink i'm going a bit gaga? aussie, what have you done to me? LOL. anyways, i'm finally coming back soon, its been a great holiday month! okay, i sdl dunno what to write already. anywas, have a great and awesome new year everyone! see ya'll soon! byeee 2009, hello 2010!