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Thursday, January 24, 2008 @ 9:10 PM
LiL TeddiE
Got tagged by Sabrina Ngui.

001. Real name: Joanne Lin Ann Hui
002. Nickname: Jo, Jo², Jojo, Joannie T.T, Jojo Circus O.O, Lil Teddie, Teddie, chubby girl, small girl, short girl, blurr girl, lil blurr, mong hai.
003. Married: Looong wayyy to goooo.
005. Male or female: Female.
007. Highschool: SMKSJ. =]
008. College: In a few years time.
010. Short or long hair: Long! as always.
015: Are you a health freak: Hurm, don't think so
016. Height: Err...150?short lar. ><"
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Nah, not atm.
018. Do you like yourself: Yeap, gotta love who u are. =DD
019. Piercings: Yea, just one.
021. Righty or lefty: Righty! rightys are always right! xD

022. First surgery: Nope.
023. First piercing(s): 7 or 8.
024. First bestfriend : Suyin. <3
025. First award: Err, dunno.
026. First sport you joined: Ping pong!
027. First pet: Dog i guess.
028. First vacation: Should be australia.
029. First concert: Planet shakers!
030. First crush: Hurm, ain't gonna tell.

049. Eating: Air?
050. Drinking: Saliva?
052. I'm about to: Go practice piano. =/

058. Want kids: Maybe one or two.
059. Want to get married: Kind of.
060. Careers in mind: Err, for the moment, pharmacy. =P

068. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
069. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
070. Shorter or taller: Taller!
072. Romantic or spontaneous: Both?
074. Sensitive or loud: Both too.
075. Trouble maker or hesitant: Hmm, neither one.

078. Kissed a stranger: No way.
079. Drank bubbles: Maybe?
080. Lost glasses/contacts: Once.
081. Ran away from home: Why would i?
082. Liked someone younger: Not really, but i like kids!
083. Liked someone older: Err,yea?
084. Broken someone's heart: Hmm, a few.
085. Been arrested: I'm a goodie good girl. ^^
087: Cried when someone died: Sure, who doesn't?
088. Liked a friend: What kinda like?

089. Yourself: Yea!
090. Miracles: Of course.
092. Heaven: Definitely, positively yes.
093. Santa Claus: Nope, they're imaginary.
096. Angels: Yea, they're always watching over me. =)

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yea, cousies in australia.
099. Do you believe in God: That's an obvious yes. He's my one and only faithful God.
100. Tag 5 people: Aivin, Sayaka, Jon Kong, Chia Ling, Jess jess. =DD