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It is written.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 10:11 PM
LiL TeddiE
hey guys! was suppose to update on thurs, but didn't have my cam with me. anyways, just assume i post this on thurs. because i really did, see the date! =P anyways, it was jian eu the genius's bday! so as usual, we bought a cake for him, this time, it was cheeeeese cake! yummay! i shall let the pictures talk to youuu.

the lovely yummy cheese cake! 

16 candles! sweet sixteen!

jian eu's signature laugh!

he tried blowing them one by one.

the strawberry died =(

may it rest in one piece.

japanese flowers are loveee! 

this is wad geniuses do to their jeans. xD

ballerina feet! xD 

ALCOHOL! hahahah. left- tuition ppl, right - us.

teacher saranya and her stare. 

well, i'm done! happy hols! i'll post something soon! byeee!