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Thursday, February 18, 2010 @ 5:32 PM
LiL TeddiE
Omgosh, i just rmbrd my weird dream ytd, haha! i tink it's seriously funny! though i can't rmbr all of it, i shall share what i rmbrd.

I rmbrd going for some david arculeta concert thing. then he suddenly came in a helicopter, and then i was on this giraffe with some dude! so then we followed the helicopter to some house or something. and then, david archuleta came out of the helipcopter. i tink we sort of talk with a few other ppl. and someone made him look like an indian, with the red dot summore. so i took a pic of it, but it was somehow blur. then, he laughed and rubbed it off. it was then time to go back to the place of the concert. suddenly, my brother popped out of nowhere, saying he wanted to ride the giraffe too! so, we took off on the giraffe, and there was traffic jam. i sort of learnt how to control the giraffe! ahhaaha. if i push the neck, it goes faster, if i pull it, it slows down.

Gosh, what a weird dream, LOL. its kinda fun to get this kinda dream when u have all sort of funny things in it. well, i must have been thinking alot. thank god i'm feeling better now, most prob i'll go to coll 2mrw! so far i'm living on bread and porridge alone. that's the only way to get better, oh well, i'm off, american idol's soon! byeee!