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kept away from their secret...
Monday, January 15, 2007 @ 4:50 PM
LiL TeddiE
eres sumore pics of da sg trip i went...got nth else to post...

sum coloruful star..

took it at uncle andrew n auntie debbie's church..

log cake...!!its tasty...

me n mum at esplanade...

dis is cute...

an adult reachin out to a child...


mabeline..auntie soo..uncle norman..mum..bro..me..

sum wheel thingy...


n finally an interestin pic to end da post...

a condom advertisement i hav been seeing at da train station when i wuz at singapore...itz a weird advertisement..but da brand's no 1 in japan..!!

owh well..datz all 4 my post..wait...2day mornin durin perhimpunan 7 air planes flew by...but not at da same time lar...lolz..owh well..i'm done...see ya...