1. On holidays.2. Flying next month.
3. Need to go out.
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1. On holidays.2. Flying next month. 3. Need to go out. |
gahh, i tink i'm dropping excessive hair due to STRESS. seriously man, even my mum said so. i tink i really am stressing a bit too much. =/ piano exam, speech, canteen day and other stuff. goshh, feel liek my brain gonna malfunction or something. been thinking too much, sighs. screwed up my speech today. i dun even like the topic i got. it took me friggin few weeks to get the points rite, and dun even knoe how to make it interesting. bahh, someone help me please, i gotta redo it again nxt week. and i bet the marks they gave me are freaking low. and i feel like i'm the only who has done badly. pfft, feeling