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Thursday, July 10, 2008 @ 9:21 PM
LiL TeddiE
miracles do happen? hurm, that was just a thought. anyways, pesta buku was held today. well, wasn't as good as last years, but it was fun! hahaha. during recess, went to the dewan to see the 'fashion show'. well, it didn't really look like a fashion show, but, it was okay lar. ai ling was cute in the korean traditional dress! ^^ then, me, charm, vin and jackie decided to play the table talk, 'FLOUR' version. well, it was fun. but then, we all turn into old hags! hahaha. after we played, we kept trying to clean our faces and everything. the worst thing was, i wore pinafore. YES, pinafore! pinafore + flour = light light blue pinafore! = = Or sum blue cake with icing on it. hahaha and my hair, white like anything, many ppl said i look like pontianak when i let go my hair. hahaha, shud have wore baju kurung, looks more alike. well, took quite long to turn back to 50% normal. lalala, 2mrw's cik aunah's farewell party! weee! i'm gonna miss her. eventhough her english isn't very good, she's nice! sighh, back to mr lee again. boring old teacher with the computer. all he does is click click click, talk talk talk! ah well, i shall be going off now. have to go study, again. oh well, bye bye green and blue earth!