1. On holidays.2. Flying next month.
3. Need to go out.
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1. On holidays.2. Flying next month. 3. Need to go out. |
okay, i just felt like updating on my driving test, hahaha. suddenly feel like i must share? heh. a moment to relax or destress myself from studies a bit. =)
got up early and driving aunty fetched me and some of the rest to the center in klang. chien wei, an ex-lick hungian from 6B which i got to know better at the drving seminar was taking the test too. so yea, we talked a bit in the car, tried to run through the test and all. got there, took my number and waited. i got number 42! somehow, i like my number, hehe. was sitting nxt to chien wei to, she was after me. got to know another 2 ex-lick hungians that were in 6B, foo lin and stephanie. i tink learning driving's a good opportunity to get to know ppl better and make new friends, hahaha. okay, i better not be so long winded. so we talked till our turn came and we got into the cars. i got the new kancil car instead of the old ones. in fact, it was pretty nice to drive kay! i'm happy i got the new car, made me drive nicely, LOL! so anyways, started with the slope. i got it perfect at my 1st try, awesome rite? hahahah, i was so proud of myself. * clap clap* was quite concern that i would stop before the line or not being able to go down hill. but, everything went so smoothly! god must be at the passenger's seat. xD moving on, i parked my car at the side, took the forms and passed it to the next pondok. so i did my parking and 3 point turn, then parked the car and went to pondok to sign. while i was getting out of the car, i realized that i didn't put my SAFETY BELT on when i did parking and 3 point turn. so i was praying as i was walking that they wouldn't notice. and they didn't! so i just signed and happily went off! wahahahah. =DD but i felt sad for chien wei, she didn't pass her slope. =( so after that was road, the one i was most afraid of! well, it was a long wait before my turn. so was sitting next to foo lin and talked to him for quite a bit. at least kept me from thinking about the road, LOL. we both were actually not that nervous after talking and waiting for so long. when it was my turn, i got into the car, and i saw the JPJ examiner dude. so i did the adjustments bla bla bla, then i started. so along the whole journey, i was talking and driving! hohoho. apparently, the examiner dude was pretty interested on the colour of my nails, which was purple! credits to cousie dnise who painted it for me, thanks! well, i wore my purple shirt and shoes too, so obviously i was super purply ytd. xD purple is awesomeeee! come to think of it, my test on the road felt more like a drive with some stranger i talked to, HAHA. so, i approached the roundabout, then when i went around, i nearly masuk the wrong lorong man, talked till dunno fly where d, surprisingly, he helped me, turn my stering and then went into the correct lane. then he said, u takut saya tak? then i said no, haha. then he replied, i takut u tau. must be the mistake i did that scared him, LOL. moving on, at the u-turn, i sdl mati engine! thought he gonna fail me or ask me to step out of the car, but he ask me to start and move. =D so i drove on, then i suddenly said, eh u pakai shades sangat cool ar. then he like ya ke? then i replied okay lar. then he was like u pandai bodek ar. HAHAHA, i laughed when he said that. thinking about that, they wear shades quite cool wad, looked like raybans, hah! but it was a bit scary when he sdl ask me whether i got bf or not, then i like noooo. then he said u suka malay tak? then i like err, not really. maybe we got too friendly! thank god it was near the end of the road test, hahaha. so i parked back at the place, then waited for him to fill in the form. before he showed me he said u tink u'll gagal or lulus? i was like lulus? then he passed me the paper, and i saw... then i look down there, LULUS! then i said terima kasih to him and went out, hahaha. tadaaa! that's how i passed. xD yes, i'm so so so glad i got a good and nice JPJ examiner. those selamat pagi's, maafs, terima kasihs to him was worth it. be nice and polite to ur examiner, talk to ur examiner if he/she seems friendly, praise the examiner a bit, like wad i did! hahahaha. okay, don't tink anyone will read this, but no harm done. =D omgosh, i just wore ALOT. what happened to me? hahaha. okay, i should really get back to my studies, bio test 2mrw! wish me all the best! byeeee! |