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Monday, April 21, 2008 @ 7:26 PM
LiL TeddiE
lalala, jez tagged me. but then, lazy do lar. dun really like the questions. ahhaha xD today was a hottt day at sch. stpd perhimpunan soooo longg. then, they even asked those ppl who didn't come on orange day to read books i n the dewan. pity pity. xD anyways, today my classmates found mr lizard. =DD they go catch it and jia min said he wanted to keep it. at 1st wesley caught it with a paper, then suddenly it crawled out of the paper and went on wesley's hand and ran away. we screamed man. hahaha. then we found him...

hereeee! at the back of our class.

then, they transfered him to a plastic bag.

and then a cleaner plastic bag.

finally, in the bottle, he bit the plastic off. xD

i think peter or jia min brought back the lizard. we sort of named him mojojojo. hahaah. xD oh well, wodner what happens tomorrow. gonna go study soon. bye flyyy!